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The Future of Work: How Virtual Reality Can Impact Your Career

Written by Kevin Kuhlman | 05/05/2022

Virtual reality has long been the realm of gamers and futurists, but it may soon land on businesses' priority lists. With VR headsets falling to under $300 and high-speed 5G networks just around the corner, the technology appears to be headed for home in the workplace.   

Remote work can be stressful for some people. Many complain about feeling tethered to their devices or developing a sense of discomfort within their own homes. With virtual workplaces, home and work life become more easily differentiated, creating the sensation of walking into the workplace each day and saying goodbye to colleagues when the workday is over.  

VR adoption will become the norm sooner than we think. With that, here are 5 ways virtual reality can affect your career in the near future:Deeper Collaboration and Connection 

Virtual reality allows in-depth cooperation and connectivity with people regardless of physical distance. Unlike video conferencing, VR users feel like they inhabit the same space, resulting in more effective collaboration. VR also provides a platform for users to view and manipulate data together in real-time. Virtual reality technology is readily available and simple to use, allowing people all around the world to interact and collaborate on tasks in cyberspace.

Worldwide Recruiting Potential

While businesses can recruit globally today, Human Resources will change drastically with the connectivity VR provides. With access to workers worldwide, hiring practices will expand to ensure that top talent is recruited. During the interview, potential employees will get to virtually shadow their prospective position to gain a genuine sense of the responsibilities. Businesses can also use VR for various interactive HR workshops, webinars, and other presentations.  

Immersive Employment Training 

VR has massive potential for the digital workplace as a training tool for remote workers and onboarding new employees. The ability to put people into fully immersive real-life scenarios can aid significantly in learning and retention. AI-based VR training is especially helpful in high-risk situations since it allows workers to acquire experience without putting themselves in danger. Both NASA and the armed forces currently use VR training, minimizing their risk and costs. Simulations are also being used by businesses like Walmart to train staff for Black Friday madness. Regardless of the industry, VR offers the opportunity for an engaging, educational experience. 

Cost-Efficient Product Development 

Product development will become more efficient in a computer-generated environment than ever before. Virtual reality may be used to test products in a variety of situations, eliminating the need for costly physical prototypes. Changes to a product can be made virtually and immediately tested during trials, allowing the finished product to improve more quickly than ever before.

Advanced Marketing Practices  

VR allows consumers to try nearly every product and experience on the market before making a purchase, from automobiles to vacations. Customers will also be able to do it virtually once they're ready to buy. VR's immersive experience is impactful and memorable, creating a personal connection between brands and consumers – and ultimately influencing purchasing decisions.  

While complete adoption of virtual reality is still in progress, many companies have already integrated the technology into their business practices today. The goal is to create innovative, sustainable workplaces that help improve productivity, connect with customers, and ensure that businesses employ the right people for years to come.