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Why Your Business Should Invest in Custom Graphics

Written by Samuel Adams | 03/23/2020

We’ve already covered why social media is important for your business, but now you’re facing an even larger dilemma: what do you post? While tweeting hashtag-laden word soup or chasing the viral dream by sharing memes are both optional approaches, social media platforms are more than a digital announcement board – they’re the voice of your brand. Creating a tone, both written and visual, can act as a big brand booster for any company working towards becoming more social media savvy. One of the biggest investments a business can make in boosting their online presence is in creating custom social graphics. However, there are several facts to take into consideration beforehand.

Price: Creating professional custom graphics is an investment in your brand. As with all major investments, some capital is required to get things rolling. The rates of freelance artists can vary largely from person to person based on a variety of factors while opening a salaried position for an in-house designer is also a large commitment for most businesses. While the initial cost could be off putting, the benefit that a brand will experience from consistent high-quality work will work wonders in the digital age.

Time: Graphic design is a form of art and, as with all art, it takes time. Talking with artists ahead of time to get an idea of the timeframe for a graphics project is important not only for social media content strategies, but also for planning ahead as your company and its reach grows and evolves. 

Assuming your company is on board, how does your business see a bump from custom graphics?

Brand Awareness

With custom graphics that use your company’s font family and color palette, social media platforms users will be able to more easily identify your posts and content at a glance. One of today’s tech giants, Apple, is able to bring their brand to the minds of consumers with nothing more than a catchphrase in their iconic sans serif font in front of a white background. Users see that minimalistic design and associate it with the top-tier design and experience that comes with using a Mac or iOS device. That same concept applies to social media; a universal brand design is a powerful tool for cementing companies in the minds of consumers.

Standing Out from the Competition

Every industry benefits from competition. While “iron sharpens iron”, business leaders are always asking the same age-old question: “How do I stand out from the competition?” With more social media posts being created than ever before, custom graphics increase the chances of grabbing the attention of social media users. While a simple tweet or Facebook post might work for delivering a basic message, custom graphics go a long way in audience engagement and retention to help keep you ahead of the competition.

Show People What They’re Missing

This final point is applicable to all businesses in every industry. However, those in the creative marketing field have a unique opportunity to use social media as a showcase to promote their finest work. Industry leaders keep a constant watch on their field, always looking for up and comers, new trends, and breaking news. Curating social media feeds with high-quality posts sharing the best your company has to offer goes a long way not only in reaching new clients, but also in attracting those on the prowl for new career opportunities.

A snazzy design alone won’t grow your social media accounts to millions of followers overnight. However, creating custom graphics to highlight your brand is an effective route towards improving company reputation, boosting brand awareness, and spreading social media reach.